
Playtesting instructions

The goal of the project is to make games for people with aphasia by working with people with aphasia.

We are very excited to hear about your experience playing these games!

Please try our prototypes out and send us feedback.


If all your players are willing, please consider recording videos and sharing with us at LRCL@groups.pitt.edu. We will only use this for internal purposes to see how the games are working.


Here are some questions to answer after you play:

  1. Who played the games? If possible, please provide details about each person's aphasia.

  2. What was most fun about the games?

  3. What was challenging about the games?

  4. Were there any points of confusion?

  5. Any other feedback you'd like to provide?

You can answer the above questions by completing an online survey at the following link: https://pitt.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1QRg2v6Z73wu0K2

If the online survey is hard for you to complete, you can also video record your feedback and send us a video link at LRCL@groups.pitt.edu.