Aphasia Friendly Games

Part of the mission of the Aphasia Games for Health project is to increase the number of aphasia-friendly games available for the public. Below are links to games either explicitly developed or adapted to be aphasia friendly.

The Metagame (2-6 players).

With permission from Local No. 12, Aphasia Games for Health has adapted The Metagame into an aphasia friendly print-and-play version. Included are aphasia-friendly graphical instruction materials.

Aphasia Friendly

A print-and-play version of the History 101 variant of the Metagame. Uses aphasia friendly typography, simplified sentences and layouts optimized to be as accessible as possible. Download here.

Aphasia Friendly

Aphasia friendly instructions for the History 101 variant of the Metagame. Includes step-by-step graphical instructions on how to play. Download here.

Learn More about
The Metagame.

This aphasia-friendly adaptation was created with permission from Local No. 12. The Metagame was originally developed by Colleen Macklin, John Sharp, and Eric Zimmerman.