Community Recommendations

We recruited three Aphasia Community Designer Partners (Dee Brown, Jill Ventrice, and Trish Hambridge) for our Summer 2020 Aphasia Games for Health prototyping workshop. Their job was to work with the rest of our team to make sure our protoypes are fun, replayable, and good practice for people with aphasia. We asked Dee, Jill, and Trish to help out because they all already playing and adapting games to play with family, friends, and in aphasia groups. If you have  aphasia, there are a lot of games already out there that you can play for fun and to connect with others. Therefore, we asked Dee, Jill, and Trish to make some community recommendations: what games are fun to play if you have aphasia? For each game, their videos answer the following questions:

  • What is the game?

  • Can you play it as it is, or does it need to be adapted for aphasia?

  • If the game needs to be modified, what changes have you made?

  • Why do you like playing this game?